Conduct Your Own Rural Surgical Camp



Bharat Heritage Foundation, a registered Entity, with its motto “Striving for a society of self esteem, strength and harmony”, is mandated to work in rural areas in educational, social welfare, women empowerment, and poverty alleviation projects. The organization also seeks to strengthen the spiritual impulse of people with a view to promoting harmony in community life.

The Foundation, in an exploratory effort, is willing to sponsor a “surgical camp” in a rural area of any part of our country.

The following are the criterias:
  • The camp should be based on the felt need, duly verified, of the local people (ENT, Opth, Gynaecological, general surgical camp). The camp should be accessible only to poor and venerable members of rural society and not for any family or person who can afford to pay for the treatment.
  • The organizer should be a staunch member of our Association (ARSI) and should have proper back up services so that patients needing surgical intervention may be managed locally in a cost effective and professionally proper manner and followed up further in each case till his/ her full recovery.
  • The financial help for the sponsorship will not exceed more than Rs. 25000. Financial support will be based on itemized cost and expenditure estimates to be furnished to the undersigned for prior scrutiny. All actual expenses should be supported by certified documentation in the form of bills/ vouchers to be submitted to the Foundation through the undersigned.
  • The camp should be planned, organized and executed in consultation with the undersigned before March 31, 2007
  • The size and the work content of the camp should be appropriate to the quantum of financial assistance available and still should be useful and cost effective.
  • The Foundation looks forward to full cooperation in evaluating the success and cost effectiveness of the Camp soon after its conclusion.
  • The Foundation would like this first joint venture to be a precursor to larger cooperative effort with the ARSI as time goes on.
  • ARSI members, interested to hold this camp as a part of community services, may avail this opportunity. Interested member may send the detail of the working plan, location and time as well as the itemized cost and expenditure estimate at his earliest to the following address for further action.

A-258, Shivalik, Malviya Nagar,
New Delhi- 110017
Phone : (011) 26685675
Mobile: 9810078992,


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