The programe aims to achieve :
- To develop a model of Appropriate surgical care sustainable jointly by the community and the health professional (rural surgeon) suitable for the country’s economy.
- To create a cadre of health professionals who will be accessible (both geographically and economically) to the total population of the country with basic surgical care.
- To diminish the load of basic surgical care from the tertiary care institutions thereby improving their function.
- Indirectly, improve the quality of life of our rural populatioin.
Goals :
After qualifying the final examinations the candidate should be able to, develop multiple skill and function as a junior consultant (specialist) in Rural Surgery (multiple surgical disciplines) to provide lost effective essential surgical care within the constraints of primary level rural/urban communicaties.
Objectives :
Basic & general surgery with emphasis on open surgeries
Basic orthopedics including trauma care
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Basics of anesthesia
Ultrasound and X-Ray
Basics of Accidents
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